Wind power onshore


High quality – clean energy – bright future

Windkraft Onshore

Energy generation from wind on land is referred to as onshore. As one of the most cost-effective renewable energy sectors, onshore wind energy is becoming increasingly important for the expansion of renewable energies. Today, onshore wind energy already accounts for a good 13 percent of the electricity mix in Germany. By the end of 2017, 28,675 wind turbines with an installed capacity of around 50,000 megawatts produced electricity for businesses and households in Germany.
Wind turbines can usually be manufactured within a few months with relatively little material and energy input. After only a short period of operation, a wind turbine reaches the energy payback period. An onshore wind turbine needs between three and seven months for the energetic amortisation. After that, every hour of operation provides „net“ clean electricity – for at least 20 years on average. Depending on its design, a wind turbine can therefore provide 40 to 70 times more energy during its entire lifetime than was spent on its production, use and disposal. Both the climate and energy balance are therefore clearly positive – in contrast to fossil power plants. Even after completion of the plant, these always require an external energy supply in the form of fuels in order to convert them into electricity or heat with often very poor efficiencies – releasing greenhouse gases that are harmful to the climate.
Wind turbines make an important contribution to climate protection and thus also directly contribute to the preservation of landscapes and natural areas.
If you have suitable areas, please contact us. Do you have any questions? Then get in touch with us – we will be happy to advise you.
Cleantech Nigeria