Water treatment


„Love the world as you own self;
then you can truly care for all thing.“  Lao Tzu


Waste water treatment modular

Wastewater treatment plants from CLEANTECH GERMANY are modularly designed according to the different customer requirements and can be expanded and adapted to changing performance requirements. The compact plants are suitable for decentralised wastewater treatment and are designed for direct discharge into public waters. They are suitable for both underground and above-ground installation. Multi-line system modules run independently of each other in parallel operation. During repair and maintenance work, the other modules are operated properly.
The system consists of primary sedimentation, biostages, blower, secondary sedimentation, sludge storage/thickener and operating room.
All advantages at a glance:

  • Direct discharge into public waters
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  • parallel operation – good average safety
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  • Compact plant with complete cleaning stages – optimal cleaning performance
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No long planning times, no costly building permits and everything can be flexibly combined with each other.
Our plants are able to undercut the current guideline values for achieving quality for water treatment many times over:

CSP chemical oxygen demand below 50 mg / l
BSP Biological oxygen demand below 10 mg / l
N total amoniome (nitrogen) below 10 mg / l
P total phospor content below 0.5 mg / l

Over 25 plants are running in Germany and the EU so far – over 150 of our plants have been approved for construction in China in 2019 and are currently being planned and implemented. Our services include consulting, planning, technologies and plant operation and contracting.
We are looking for companies in the target markets to support us in sales and construction.

Cleantech Nigeria