

"Take a quiet walk with mother nature.
It will nurture your mind, body and soul." A.D. Williams

District solutions

CLEANTECH GERMANY offers efficient, future-proof and climate-friendly energy solutions for residential areas with off-grid or grid-dependent operation, thus promoting regional climate protection. Our neighbourhood concepts enable you to save taxes and levies on your existing electricity price. This also increases the value of your property. We develop a customised energy supply concept for your residential area after a thorough analysis and taking into account your requirements and expectations.

CLEANTECH GERMANY takes over the complete planning and realisation in close consultation with the authorities.

Turnkey implementation also in combination with further systems.

Depending on requirements, we also integrate an electricity storage system or a combined heat and power plant. Increasingly, this also includes intelligent charging infrastructures for electric vehicles and an e-car sharing service for residents. The systems are implemented on a turnkey basis. Depending on the orientation and location of your residential complex, we plan the optimal solution for you.

Combined with attractive government subsidy programmes, residential complexes or neighbourhood solutions become an important factor in cost savings and the generation of green energy.

Let's make the world greener together!


Cleantech Nigeria