Hybrid systems


"And yet it's moves." Galileo Galilei

Hybrid systems

The term hybrid systems refers to the use of different forms of energy for energy supply. The mix of these forms of energy prevents dependence on certain energy sources and their prices and optimises the supply.

Renewable energies secure energy supply

The energy supply is increasingly being secured by renewable energies. Germany is a pioneer in the cleantech industry. In view of the planned CO2 levies in Germany and the ongoing energy transition, we offer novel hybrid power supply concepts for industrial and commercial customers. We can use our many years of experience to enable other countries to participate in efficient development. Here our focus is in Africa.

Hybrid systems for the provision of electrical energy are characterised by the fact that several different energy sources are used to ensure a continuous energy supply. In our hybrid systems, wind turbines or battery systems, for example, are used as a further power source in addition to solar energy, also to further reduce the use of diesel generators in Africa.

Autonomous energy supply with photovoltaic hybrid systems.

Because they function autonomously as energy supply units, photovoltaic hybrid systems are particularly interesting for the power supply of electrical island grids for a limited number of consumers in a limited spatial area. Depending on the number and usage habits of the electricity consumers as well as the required energy quality, the design of each hybrid system must be determined and designed individually.

A bright future with clean energy generation is what CLEANTECH Nigeria stands for.

Cleantech Nigeria